
Configuring VRP in WSO2 API Manager

  1. Open the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. Add the following tag and configure the URL with the hostname of the Identity Server:

    open_banking_uk.consent.vrp_response_data_store_url = https://<IS_HOST>:9446/api/openbanking/consent/manage/vrp-response-process
  3. Configure the given executor:

    name = ""
    priority = 8
    4. Configure the Variable Reccuring API to support JWS Signature Validation.
    api_context = "/open-banking/v3.1/vrp"

  4. Configure the Variable Reccuring API to support JWS Response Signing.

    api_context = "/open-banking/v3.1/vrp"

  5. Save changes and restart the server.

Configuring VRP in WSO2 Identity Server

  1. Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. Add the following tag under [open_banking_uk.consent] and configure the URL with the hostname of the API Manager:

    vrp_consent_self_link = "https://localhost:8243/open-banking/{version}/vrp/"
  3. Save changes and restart the server.
