Configuring API Manager

WSO2 Open Banking UK Toolkit contains TOML-based configurations. All the server-level configurations of the API Manager instance can be applied using a single configuration file, which is the deployment.toml file.

Configuring deployment.toml

Follow the steps below to configure the deployment.toml file and set up the open banking flow for WSO2 API Manager.

  1. Replace the deployment.toml file as explained in the Setting up the servers section.

  2. Open the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  3. Set the hostname of the API Manager:

    hostname = "<APIM_HOST>" 
  4. Update the datasource configurations with your database properties, such as the username, password, JDBC URL for the database server, and the JDBC driver.

    • Given below are sample configurations for a MySQL database. For other DBMS types and more information, see Setting up databases.
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_govdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_apimgtdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_am_configdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_userdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
  5. Update the following configurations with the hostname of the Identity Server.

    service_url = "https://<IS_HOST>:9446${carbon.context}services/"
    ServerURL = "https://<IS_HOST>:9446${carbon.context}services/"
    #jwks_endpoint_name = ""
    #app_name_claim = " "
    token_endpoint = https://<APIM_HOST>:9443/oauth2/token
  6. Add the following and configure the hostname of the Identity Server.

    endpoint = "https://<IS_HOST>:9446/api/openbanking/consent/validate"
  7. Add the following gateway executor configurations for the Consent flow:

    name = "Consent"
    name = "com.wso2.openbanking.accelerator.gateway.executor.impl.selfcare.portal.UserPermissionValidationExecutor"
    priority = 1
  8. Configure the endpoints to retrieve sharable and payable accounts. This is required when displaying the accounts on the consent page.

    payable_account_retrieval_endpoint = "http://<APIM_HOST>:9763/api/openbanking/uk/backend/services/bankaccounts/bankaccountservice/payable-accounts"
    sharable_account_retrieval_endpoint = "http://<APIM_HOST>:9763/api/openbanking/uk/backend/services/bankaccounts/bankaccountservice/sharable-accounts"
  9. To generate the self link in the consent JSON response, configure the URLs of the exposed APIs as follows:

    account_consent_self_link = "https://<APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/{version}/aisp/"
    payment_consent_self_link = "https://<APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/{version}/pisp/"
    cof_consent_self_link = "https://<APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/{version}/cbpii/"    
  10. Enable Request-URI validation that validates AccountID in the request against the AccountID in consent during account retrieval. By default, this is disabled and the configuration is set to false.

    Validate_acc_id_on_retrieval_enabled = true
  11. To validate API requests:


    This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking API Manager UK Toolkit Level and WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server UK Toolkit Level onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

    Click here to see JWS Signature Validation configurations
    1. Configure the UKJwsRequestHandlingExecutor executor. The priority of UKJwsRequestHandlingExecutor must be higher than ConsentEnforcementExecutor. For example:

      name = ""
      priority = 4
      name = "com.wso2.openbanking.accelerator.gateway.executor.impl.consent.ConsentEnforcementExecutor"
      priority = 5    

    2. Enable validation and define the valid signing algorithms for the JWS sent in the request header:


    3. The signing keys used for validation by an application are cached. The default expiration time for cache modification and access are 60 minutes. To change these values, add and configure the following:


    4. The default trust anchor used for the validation is To change this value, add and configure the following:


    5. By default, signature validation is enabled for the Payments API. Configure the API contexts of other APIs that require signature validation. For example:


  12. To let the TPPs verify that the request wasn't tampered with, sign the responses:


    This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking API Manager UK Toolkit Level 3.0.0.x and WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server UK Toolkit Level 3.0.0.x onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

    Click here to see JWS Response Signing configurations
    1. Configure the UKJwsResponseHandlingExecutor executor and set the priority to 999:

      name = ""
      priority = 999

    2. Enable signing and define the response signing algorithms:


    3. Configure the alias and kid values of the signing certificates:

      • signing_cert_alias: The alias of the signing certificate stored in the keystore. Used to sign responses in a production environment. Default value is wso2carbon.
      • sandbox_signing_cert_alias: The alias of the signing certificate stored in the keystore. Used to sign responses in a sandbox environment. Default value is wso2carbon.
      • signing_cert_kid: The kid value of the corresponding public key of the private key, which is used for signing in a production environment. Default value is 1234. Mandatory configuration.
      • sandbox_signing_cert_kid: The kid value of the corresponding public key of the private key, which is used for signing in a sandbox environment. Default value is 5678. Mandatory configuration.
    4. Configure the JWKS size limit and timeout and values:


    5. The default trust anchor used for the signing is To change this value, add and configure the following:

      obie.trusted_anchors.signing = ""

    6. By default, response signing is enabled for the Payments API. Configure the API contexts of other APIs that require response signing. For example:
  13. If you want to use the Data publishing feature:

    • Enable the feature and configure the server_url property with the hostname of WSO2 Streaming Integrator.
    enable = true   
    server_url = "{tcp://<SI_HOST>:7612}"   
  14. If you are using WSO2 API Manager 4.2.0, you need to change the API Manager REST API version from V2 to V3.

    1. Locate the [open_banking.dcr.apim_rest_endpoints] tag. By default, the configuration is commented out.
    2. Uncomment the configuration and update as shown below:
      app_creation = "api/am/devportal/v3/applications"
      key_generation = "api/am/devportal/v3/applications/application-id/map-keys"
      api_retrieve = "api/am/devportal/v3/apis"
      api_subscribe = "api/am/devportal/v3/subscriptions/multiple"

Starting servers

  1. Go to the <APIM_HOME>/bin directory using a terminal.

  2. Run the script as follows:


Configure Identity Server as Key Manager

  1. Sign in to the Admin Portal of API Manager at https://<APIM_HOST>:9443/admin.
  2. Go to Key Manager on the left main menu. add_Key_Manager
  3. Click Add New Key Manager and configure Key Manager.

    Click here to see the full list of configurations...
    Configuration Description Value
    Name The name of the authorization server. OBKM
    Display Name A name to display on the UI. OBKM
    Description The name of the authorization server. (Optional)
    Key Manager Type The type of the Key Manager to be selected. Select ObKeyManager
    Well-known-url The well-known URL of the authorization server (Key Manager). https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/token/.well-known/openid-configuration
    Issuer The issuer that consumes or validates access tokens. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/token
    Key Manager Endpoints
    Client Registration Endpoint The endpoint that verifies the identity and obtain profile information of the end-user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/keymanager-operations/dcr/register
    Introspection Endpoint The endpoint that allows authorized protected resources to query the authorization server to determine the set of metadata for a given token that was presented to them by an OAuth Client. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/introspect
    Token Endpoint The endpoint that issues the access tokens. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/token
    Revoke Endpoint The endpoint that revokes the access tokens. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/revoke
    Userinfo Endpoint The endpoint that allows clients to verify the identity of the end-user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end-user. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/userinfo?schema=openid
    Authorize Endpoint The endpoint used to obtain an authorization grant from the resource owner via the user-agent redirection. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/authorize
    Scope Management Endpoint The endpoint used to manage the scopes. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/api/identity/oauth2/v1.0/scopes
    Connector Configurations
    Username The username of an admin user who is authorized to connect to the authorization server.
    Password The password corresponding to the latter mentioned admin user who is authorized to connect to the authorization server.
    Claim URIs
    Consumer Key Claim URI The claim URI for the consumer key. (Optional)
    Scopes Claim URI The claim URI for the scopes (Optional)
    Grant Types The supported grant types. According to your open banking specification, add multiple grant types by adding a grant type press Enter. For example, refresh_token, client_credentials, authorization_code. (Optional)
    PEM Either copy and paste the certificate in PEM format or upload the PEM file. (Optional)
    JWKS The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint is a read-only endpoint. This URL returns the Identity Server's public key set in JSON web key set format. This contains the signing key(s) the Relying Party (RP) uses to validate signatures from the Identity Server. https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/jwks
    Advanced Configurations
    Token Generation This enables token generation via the authorization server. (Mandatory)
    Out Of Band Provisioning This enables the provisioning of Auth clients that have been created without the use of the Developer Portal, such as previously created Auth clients. (Mandatory)
    Oauth App Creation This enables the creation of Auth clients. (Mandatory)
    Token Validation Method The method used to validate the JWT signature.
    Self Validate JWT The kid value is used to validate the JWT token signature. If the kid value is not present, gateway_certificate_alias will be used. (Mandatory)
    Use introspect The JWKS endpoint is used to validate the JWT token signature. -
    Token Handling Options This provides a way to validate the token for this particular authorization server. This is mandatory if the Token Validation Method is introspect. (Optional)
    REFERENCE The tokens that match a specific regular expression (regEx) are validated. e.g., [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} (Optional)
    JWT The tokens that match a specific JWT are validated. Select this icon
    CUSTOM The tokens that match a custom pattern are validated. (Optional)
    Claim Mappings Local and remote claim mapping. (Optional)
  4. Go to the list of Key Managers and select Resident Key Manager. select_resident_KM

  5. Locate Connector Configurations and provide a username and a password for a user with super admin credentials.

  6. Click Update.

  7. Disable the Resident Key Manager. disable_resident_KM
