Functional Conformance Suite

The Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE) Functional Conformance Certificate allows WSO2 Open Banking to demonstrate that the solution has successfully implemented all required functional elements of the OBIE Read/Write API specifications, passing all tests performed by the Functional Conformance Tool.

Before you begin:

Set up and prepare your servers to run WSO2 Open Banking UK Toolkit. Follow the Set up Toolkits documentation to set up the accelerators and toolkits.

Generate Locally Signed SSL Certificate

  1. Install mkcert. mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates.


    For more information on downloading and installing mkcert, refer to the mkcert installation guide.

  2. Create and install a local Certificate Authority (CA) on your computer using the following command:

    mkcert -install
  3. View the root CA certificate location using the following command:

    mkcert -CAROOT   
  4. Add mkcert root CA (self-signed root certificate) to both Identity Server and API Manager client truststores using the following command:

    keytool -import -alias rootCA -file <MKCERT_CA_ROOT_CERT> -keystore client-truststore.jks -storepass <CLIENT_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD>
  5. Generate server certificates using the mkcert tool as follows:

    mkcert <trusted_domains> <server_hostname> <server_ip> 

    Given below is a sample configuration:

    mkcert localhost ::1

  6. Copy the root CA certificate to the /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ directory and /etc/ssl/certs directory and update the CA certificates.

    sudo update-ca-certificates
  7. Create a new keystore with the generated certificate.


    Use the same keystore password (KEYSTORE_PASSWORD) that you used to configure the existing keystore.

    a. Convert the PEM file into PKCS12 format. The password should be same as the default wso2carbon.jks.

    openssl pkcs12 -export -in <server_cert>.pem -inkey <server_key>.pem -out certificate.p12 -name "wso2carbon"

    b. Generate wso2carbon.jks from the PKCS12 file. The password should be same as the default wso2carbon.jks.

    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificate.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore wso2carbon.jks
  8. Back up the default keystore (wso2carbon.jks) residing in the security folder of both WSO2 Identity Server and WSO2 API Manager and replace it with the newly created wso2carbon.jks file.

  9. Import the generated server certificate (in Step 5) to the client truststore of both <WSO2_OB_IAM_HOST> and <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST> servers. The client truststores for the WSO2 Open Banking API Manager and Identity Server are located in the following locations:

    • <WSO2_IS_HOME>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks
    • <WSO2_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks.

    Use the following command to add the certificates to the client truststores:

    keytool -import -alias mkcert_server_cert -file <SERVER_CERT>.pem -keystore client-truststore.jks -storepass wso2carbon


    Don’t import the keystore (wso2carbon.jks) to the truststore. Instead, directly import the server certificate to the truststore.


    Exchange and trust the API Manager and Identity Server certificates, if the API Manager server and Identity Server are in different nodes.

  10. Add the OBIE Root and Issuing Certificates to the client-truststore.jks. The client truststores for the WSO2 Open Banking API Manager and Identity Server are located in the following locations:

    • <WSO2_IS_HOME>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks
    • <WSO2_AM_HOME>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks

    Use the following commands to add the certificates to the client truststores:

    1. Add Root Certificate:

      keytool -import -alias <alias> -file <OB_ROOT_CERT> -keystore client-truststore.jks -storepass wso2carbon
    2. Add Issuing Certificate:

      keytool -import -alias <alias> -file <OB_ISSUING_CERT> -keystore client-truststore.jks -storepass wso2carbon

Configure the Well-known Endpoint and Keystore for JWS Validation

Use one of the following options to configure the well-known endpoint:


If you are running the functional conformance suite with JWS validations enabled, (with the DISABLE_JWS=FALSE tag), option 1 is recommended.

Option 1: Update the well-known endpoint and JWKS endpoint

Update the well-known endpoint and JWKS endpoint as instructed below according to your setup.

Click here to see how it is done:...
  1. Download and extract the

  2. Go to the well-known-config-resources directory.

  3. Copy the file to the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory.

  4. Download the sample openid-configuration.json available here.

  5. Update the values in openid-configuration.json according to your setup.

    a. Replace the <IS_HOSTNAME> placeholder with the Identity Server hostname.

    b. Update the jwks_uri value to

  6. Copy the openid-configuration.json file into the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity directory.

  7. Update the keystore.json file with the authorization server keys and client application keys generated for applications.


    If you are manually updating the entries in the keystore.json file for testing purposes only, follow the guide available here to add the entry for your server keys to the keystore.json file.

  8. Copy the keystore.json file into the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity directory.

  9. Open the <IS_HOME>repository/resources/conf/templates/repository/conf/tomcat/web.xml.j2 file and register the following servlets. Add the following elements before the </webapp> tag.

  10. Restart the Identity Server.

  11. Restart the API Manager server.

  12. Go to the following links and see the changes:

Option 2: Configure the default well-known endpoint

If you are running the functional conformance test suite without enabling JWS validations, you can configure the default well-known endpoint available at https://localhost:9446/oauth2/token/.well-known/openid-configuration.

Option 3: Create a gist

For testing purposes, you can host the well-known configuration file via Github Gist.

Click here to see how to create a gist:...

a. Sign in to GitHub.

b. Navigate to the GitHub Gist Homepage.

c. Create a gist.


Provide the following details when creating the gist.

  • Gist Description: openid-configuration
  • File Name: openid-configuration
  • Content: configurations exposed via well-known endpoints. A sample openid-configuration.json is available here.

d. Click Create Public Gist.

e. Go to Raw and copy the URL. This URL can be used as wellknown_endpoint in the test suite and Key Manager.

Configure the Solution

  1. Open the <WSO2_IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. Locate the [open_banking_uk.consent.payment_restrictions] tag.

  3. Set the MaximumFuturePaymentDays value to 365 as shown below:

    max_instructed_amount = "365"
  4. Locate the [open_banking_uk.consent] tag.

  5. Enable account id validation on account retrieval as follows:

    validate_acc_id_on_retrieval_enabled = true
  6. Open the <WSO2_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5.

  8. Open the <WSO2_IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  9. Comment out the TokenFilter configuration as follows:

    #name = "TokenFilter"
    #class = "com.wso2.openbanking.accelerator.identity.token.TokenFilter"
    #name = "TokenFilter"
    #url_pattern = "/token"

Configure JWS Validation

Enable JWS Validations in Open Banking Solution


The following information is already available under steps 12 and 13 in the Configuring API Manager documentation. Refer to the above-mentioned documentation for any updates on configuring JWS validations.

To validate API requests:

  1. Open the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. Configure the UKJwsRequestHandlingExecutor executor. The priority of UKJwsRequestHandlingExecutor must be higher than ConsentEnforcementExecutor. For example:

    name = ""
    priority = 4
    name = "com.wso2.openbanking.accelerator.gateway.executor.impl.consent.ConsentEnforcementExecutor"
    priority = 5
  3. Enable validation and define the valid signing algorithms for the JWS sent in the request header:

  4. The signing keys used for validation by an application are cached. The default expiration time for cache modification and access is 60 minutes. To change these values, add and configure the following:

  5. The default trust anchor used for the validation is To change this value, add and configure the following:

  6. By default, signature validation is enabled for the Payments API. Configure the API contexts of other APIs that require signature validation. For example:


To let the TPPs verify that the request wasn't tampered with, sign the responses:

  1. Open the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. Configure the UKJwsResponseHandlingExecutor executor and set the priority to 999.

    name = ""
    priority = 999
  3. Enable signing and define the response signing algorithms.

  4. Configure the alias and kid values of the signing certificates:

    • signing_cert_alias: The alias of the signing certificate stored in the keystore. Used to sign responses in a production environment. Default value is wso2carbon.
    • sandbox_signing_cert_alias: The alias of the signing certificate stored in the keystore. Used to sign responses in a sandbox environment. Default value is wso2carbon.
    • signing_cert_kid: The kid value of the corresponding public key of the private key, which is used for signing in a production environment. Default value is 1234. This is a mandatory configuration.
    • sandbox_signing_cert_kid: The kid value of the corresponding public key of the private key, which is used for signing in a sandbox environment. Default value is 5678. This is a mandatory configuration.
  5. Configure the JWKS size limit and timeout and values.

  6. The default trust anchor used for the signing is To change this value, add and configure the following:

    obie.trusted_anchors.signing = ""
    • trusted_anchors should be the Trust Anchor to be used in signing JOSE.
    • org_id should be the org_id in the SSA or Organizational Unit of the certificate Owner.
  7. Configure the API contexts of other APIs that require response signing. By default, response signing is enabled for the Payments API. For example:


Run the Solution

  1. Start the WSO2 Identity Server.

  2. Start the WSO2 API Manager Server.

  3. Configure the users and roles by following the Configure Users and Roles documentation.

  4. Publish and deploy DCR API and configure key manager by following the Dynamic Client Registration documentation.

  5. Publish and deploy Account and Transaction API, Payment Initiation API, and Confirmation of Funds API.

  6. Create a DCR Application.


    Use https://<DOCKER-BRIDGE_SEVER_HOST/TEST_SUITE_HOST>:8443/conformancesuite/callback as the redirect URL in SSA and DCR request JWT.

    Given below are sample modified redirect URL properties in SSA:

    "software_client_uri": "",
    "software_redirect_uris": [

    Given below are sample modified redirect URL properties in DCR request JWT.

    "redirect_uris": [


    Configure IS as Key Manager, only after updating keystores.

    If you replace the existing keystores after setting up the Key Manager, you will have to delete the newly created key manager entry from DB level (from openbank_apimgtdb.AM_KEY_MANAGER) before starting servers again and you’d have to configure it again.

Run the UK Functional Conformance Suite

  1. Run one of the following commands in a terminal to pull and run the image:

    • Use the following command to run the container by adding <DOCKER-BRIDGE_SEVER_HOST>:

      docker run --add-host=<DOCKER-BRIDGE_SEVER_HOST>:<docker0 ip> -it --name=fsuite -p 8443:8443 -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -e LOG_TRACER=true -e LOG_HTTP_TRACE=true -e DISABLE_JWS=FALSE "openbanking/conformance-suite:[TEST_SUITE_VERSION]"
    • Use the following command to run the container by binding host to it:

      docker run --net=host -it --name=fsuite -p 8443:8443 -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -e LOG_TRACER=true -e LOG_HTTP_TRACE=true -e DISABLE_JWS=FALSE "openbanking/conformance-suite:[TEST_SUITE_VERSION]"

      Given below is a sample for the above command:

      docker run --net=host -it --name=fsuite -p 8443:8443 -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -e LOG_TRACER=true -e LOG_HTTP_TRACE=true -e DISABLE_JWS=FALSE "openbanking/conformance-suite:v1.7.1"

    For more details, see UK Conformance Suite Setup Guide.

  2. Add the server certificates and local root CA certificate to the following docker container locations using the below commands:

    1. fsuite:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/

      docker cp <SERVER_CERT/HOST>.pem fsuite:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/<SERVER_CERT/HOST>.pem
      docker cp <ROOT_CA_CERT>.pem fsuite:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/<ROOT_CA_CERT>.pem

      Given below is a sample for the above commands:

      docker cp localhost+2.pem fsuite:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/localhost+2.pem
      docker cp rootCA.pem fsuite:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rootCA.pem
    2. fsuite:/etc/ssl/certs/

      docker cp <SERVER_CERT/HOST>.pem fsuite:/etc/ssl/certs/<SERVER_CERT/HOST>.pem
      docker cp <ROOT_CA_CERT>.pem fsuite:/etc/ssl/certs/<ROOT_CA_CERT>.pem

      Given below is a sample for the above commands:

      docker cp localhost+2.pem fsuite:/etc/ssl/certs/localhost+2.pem
      docker cp rootCA.pem fsuite:/etc/ssl/certs/rootCA.pem
  3. Log in to the docker container:

    docker exec -it fsuite /bin/bash
  4. Update the CA certificates using the following commands:

  5. Stop the container using the following command:

    docker stop fsuite
  6. Restart the container using the following command:

    docker start -a fsuite


    If you encounter a test failure during the execution, restart the docker container and rerun the test suite from the step 5.

  7. The conformance suite is now locally available at https://localhost:8443.


  8. Select Open Banking test suite and start the test.

  9. In the Discovery step, update the following values in the JSON file separately for each time the conformance suite runs for Account and Transaction API, Payment Initiation API, and Confirmation of Funds API.

    a. Account and Transaction API:


    A sample endpoint configuration for the Account and Transaction API is available here.

    apiSpecification name Account and Transaction API Specification
    openidConfigurationUri The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint. For example: https://<DOCKER_SEVER_HOST>:8243/.well-known/openid-configuration
    resourceBaseUri Production/Sandbox URL for the API. For example: https://<DOCKER_SEVER_HOST>:8243/open-banking/v3.1/aisp

    b. Payment Initiation API:


    A sample endpoint configuration for the Payment Initiation API is available here.

    apiSpecification name Payment Initiation API
    openidConfigurationUri The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint. For example: https://<DOCKER_SEVER_HOST>:8243/.well-known/openid-configuration
    resourceBaseUri Production/Sandbox URL for the API. For example: https://<DOCKER_SEVER_HOST>:8243/open-banking/v3.1/pisp

    c. Confirmation of Funds API:


    A sample endpoint configuration for the Confirmation of Funds API is available here.

    apiSpecification name Confirmation of Funds API
    openidConfigurationUri The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint. For example: https://<DOCKER_SEVER_HOST>:8243/.well-known/openid-configuration
    resourceBaseUri Production/Sandbox URL for the API. For example: https://<DOCKER_SEVER_HOST>:8243/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii
  10. Click Next and proceed to the Configuration stage.

  11. Add the following mandatory configurations in the form/JSON file.


    A sample TestData_Configure.json is available here.

    Private Signing Key (.key): [signing_private] The Private Signing Key certificate of the client/application created in the application creation step.
    Public Signing Certificate (.pem): [signing_public] The Public Signing Certificate of the client/application created in the application creation step.
    Private Transport Key (.key): [transport_private] The Private Transport Key certificate of the client/application created in the application creation step.
    Public Transport Certificate (.pem): [transport_public] The Public Transport Certificate of the client/application created in the application creation step.
    Client (TPP) Signature KID: [tpp_signature_kid] The KID value of the signing certificate.
    Client (TPP) Signature Issuer: [tpp_signature_issuer] Certificate Owner (For example, CN=sgsMuc8ACBgBzinpr8oJ8B, OU=0015800001HQQrZAAX, O=OpenBanking, C=GB)
    Client (TPP) Signature Trust Anchor: [tpp_signature_tan] Trust Anchor used in signing JOSE (For example,
    Account IDs: [account_ids] The Account IDs of the account resources that the customer (PSU) has consented to provide to the client/application.
    Statement IDs: [statement_ids] The Statement IDs of the statement resources that the customer (PSU) has consented to provide to the client/application.
    Transaction From Date: [transaction_from_date] Specified start date and time for the transaction query period formatted as ISO 8601 date (For example: 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00)
    Note: This should be a date before 2016-01-01.
    Transaction To Date: [transaction_to_date] Specified end date and time for the transaction query period formatted as ISO 8601 date (For example: 2022-01-02T15:04:05-07:00).
    Client ID [client_id] Consumer key of the client/application created in the application creation step.
    Client Secret [client_secret] Consumer secret of the client/application created in the application creation step.
    x-fapi-financial-id: [x_fapi_financial_id] The unique ID of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique ID will be issued by OB.
    Send x-fapi-customer-ip-address header [checkbox] Tick this check box to send x-fapi-customer-ip-address header in API requests.
    Token Endpoint: [token_endpoint] The endpoint that issues the access tokens (For example: https://<WSO2_OB_IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/token)
    OAuth 2.0 response_type: [response_type] A JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that this OP supports. Dynamic OpenID Providers MUST support the code, id_token, and the id_token Response Type values.
    Token Endpoint Auth Method: [token_endpoint_auth_method] Registered client authentication method (For example: client_secret_basic)
    Request object signing algorithm: [request_object_signing_alg] The algorithm used to sign requests objects (For example: PS256)
    Authorization Endpoint: [authorization_endpoint] The endpoint used to obtain an authorization grant from the resource owner via the user-agent redirection. (For example: https://<WSO2_OB_IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/authorize)
    Resource Base URL: [resource_base_url] The base URL of the WSO2 OB APIM server (For example: https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:8243)
    Issuer: [issuer] The issuer that consumes or validates access tokens (For example: https://<WSO2_OB_IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/token)
    Redirect URL: [redirect_url] Client application redirect uri. This should be set to https://<DOCKER_SEVER_HOST>:8443/conformancesuite/callback.
    First Payment Date Time: [first_payment_date_time] First Payment Date Time formatted as ISO 8601 date (For example: 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00). This should be a future date.
    Requested Execution Date Time: [requested_execution_date_time] Requested Execution Date Time formatted as ISO 8601 date (For example: 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00). This should be a future date.
    SchemeName: Name of the identification scheme of beneficiary account. Could be one of "UK.OBIE.BBAN", "UK.OBIE.IBAN", "UK.OBIE.PAN", "UK.OBIE.Paym", "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber".
    Identification: Beneficiary account identification
    Name: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution.
    Usage: The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level. The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account.
    SchemeName: Name of the identification scheme of international beneficiary account. Could be one of "UK.OBIE.BBAN", "UK.OBIE.IBAN", "UK.OBIE.PAN", "UK.OBIE.Paym", "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber"
    International Identification: The international beneficiary account identification
    International Name: International name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution.
    Usage: The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level. The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account.
    Instructed Amount Value (Capped at 1.00): Value of the instructed amount
    Instructed Amount Currency: Instructed amount currency
    Currency Of Transfer For International Payments: [currency_of_transfer] Currency of transfer
    Frequency Schedule Code: [payment_frequency] [Drop down list] Frequency of the scheduled payments
    Confirmation of Funds
    Schema Name: Name of the identification scheme.
    Debtor Account Identification: Account identification, which is known by the account owner.
    Debtor Account Name: The name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution.
    Usage: The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level. The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account.
  12. Click Next and run the suite upto the consent acquisition stage.

  13. Click consent acquisition URLs and grant consent by logging into a PSU account and providing consent manually for each consent URL.

  14. Click Run to run the test cases.

  15. Once the test runs are over, results will be loaded, and you can export the test results.
