
Configuring DCR in WSO2 Identity Server

  1. Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. Configure the issuer (iss) of the SSA in the following tag. If not specified, the application is considered a non-regulatory application.

    name = "OpenBanking fLtd"

  3. If you have modified the Application Listener interface, for example, adding OAuth 2.0 properties or for data publishing requirements, the Application Listener invokes methods that are overridden from a class. Configure the following tag with the name of the class that is extended to do so.

    applicationupdater = "com.wso2.openbanking.accelerator.identity.listener.application.ApplicationUpdaterImpl"

  4. The following configuration sets the software id as the name of the application. By default, this configuration is set to true.

    use_softwareIdForAppName = true

  5. Configure the name of the claim regarding the jwks endpoint that is issued for the SSA. You can refer to the SSA for this value. For example, the software_jwks_endpoint claim.

    jwks_endpoint_name = "software_jwks_endpoint" 

  6. Configure the names of the primary authenticator to be engaged in the authentication flow and the identity provider if SMS OTP is used as the secondary authentication method.

    name = "BasicAuthenticator"
    display = "basic"
    name = "SMSAuthentication"

Configuring DCR in WSO2 API Manager

  1. Open the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. If you want to change the internal REST API endpoints of the API Manager configure the following tags. By default, the API Manager 4.1 endpoints are configured.

    app_creation = "api/am/devportal/v2/applications"
    key_generation = "api/am/devportal/v2/applications/application-id/map-keys"
    api_retrieve = "api/am/devportal/v2/apis"
    api_subscribe = "api/am/devportal/v2/subscriptions/multiple"

  3. Configure the hostname of the API Manager server for the token endpoint.

    token_endpoint = https://<APIM_HOST>:9443/oauth2/token

  4. The following configuration sets the software id as the name of the application. By default, this configuration is set to true.

    use_softwareIdForAppName = true

  5. Configure the claim name in the SSA that mentions the software. If the use_softwareIdForAppName configuration is set to false, the name of the application is set using the value of the given claim.

    app_name_claim = "software_client_name"

  6. Configure the name of the claim regarding the jwks endpoint that is issued for the SSA. You can refer to the SSA for this value. For example, the software_jwks_endpoint claim.

    jwks_endpoint_name = "software_jwks_endpoint"

  7. By default, a JWT is expected at the DCR endpoint. If you want to send a json payload, add the following configurations and set the value to false.

    isRequestJWT = false

  8. Configure the names of all regulatory applications. By default, the DCR API is configured.

    api_name = "CDR-DynamicClientRegistration"

  9. Configure the timeout values when validating the signature of the request.

    connection_timeout = 3000
    read_timeout = 3000

Configuring a custom DCR validator

  1. Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.
  2. Find the following configuration and replace that with your extended class. By default, the DefaultRegistrationValidatorImpl class is configured as follows:
    validator = "com.wso2.openbanking.accelerator.identity.dcr.validation.DefaultRegistrationValidatorImpl"
  3. Configure the jwks endpoint that is used for validating the SSA signature.
    jwks_url_sandbox = ""
    jwks_url_production = ""
  4. Configure the algorithms that are allowed during signature validation. These algorithms are used for token endpoint authentication assertion signature, request object signature, and id token signature validations.
    name = "PS256"

Configuring DCR request parameters

  • WSO2 Open Banking provides the capability to configure the parameters and the values allowed by Open Banking UK.

    • By default, the following values are configured as mandatory parameters. To configure the allowed values for them, open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and add the following tags.

      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
    • If you want to make any of the above parameters optional, add the required tag and set it to false. For example:

      required = false
      allowed_values = ["accounts", "payments"]

  • By default, the following values are configured as optional parameters. To configure the allowed values for them:

    • Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file, add the relevant tags and configure the values allowed.

      allowed_values = ["accounts", "payments"]
      allowed_values = ["web"]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
      allowed_values = ["value1, value2, value3”]
    • If you want to make any of the above parameters mandatory, add the required tag and set it to true. For example:

      required = true
      allowed_values = ["accounts", "payments"]
