Configuring Identity Server

WSO2 Open Banking UK Toolkit contains TOML-based configurations. All the server-level configurations of the Identity Server instance can be applied using a single configuration file, which is the deployment.toml file.

Configuring deployment.toml

Follow the steps below to configure the deployment.toml file and set up the open banking flow for WSO2 Identity Server.

  1. Replace the deployment.toml file as explained in the Setting up the servers section.

  2. Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  3. Set the hostname of the Identity Server:

    hostname = "<IS_HOST>"   
  4. Update the datasource configurations with your database properties, such as the username, password, JDBC URL for the database server, and the JDBC driver.

    • Given below are sample configurations for a MySQL database. For other DBMS types and more information, see Setting up databases.
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_govdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_apimgtdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_iskm_configdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_userdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_openbankingdb?autoReconnect=true&amp;useSSL=false"
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
    driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
  5. Configure the authentication endpoints with the hostname of the Identity Server.

    login_url = "https://<IS_HOST>:9446/authenticationendpoint/"    
    retry_url = "https://<IS_HOST>:9446/authenticationendpoint/"
    oauth2_consent_page = "${carbon.protocol}://<IS_HOST>:${}/ob/authenticationendpoint/"  
    oidc_consent_page = "${carbon.protocol}://<IS_HOST>:${}/ob/authenticationendpoint/"
  6. Configure the following endpoints for the token_revocation event listener:

    • Configure TokenEndpointAlias with the hostname of the Identity Server.
    • Configure notification_endpoint with the hostname of the API Manager.
    id = "token_revocation" 
    TokenEndpointAlias= "https://<IS_HOST>:9446/oauth2/token"   
    notification_endpoint = "https://<APIM_HOST>:9443/internal/data/v1/notify"  
  7. Add and configure the following tags:

    • signing_certificate_kid: Configure the kid value for the signing certificate of the bank. The same value is configured as the kid value of the ID Token.
    • client_transport_cert_as_header_enabled: To send the client certificate as a transport header, set this to true.
    client_transport_cert_as_header_enabled = true
  8. Configure the event publisher URL for adaptive authentication with the hostname of the Identity Server.

    url = "http://<IS_HOST>:8006/"
  9. Update access control configurations for the consentmgr resource as follows:

    context = "(.*)/consentmgr(.*)"
  10. Configure the endpoints to retrieve sharable and payable accounts. This is required when displaying the accounts on the consent page.

    payable_account_retrieval_endpoint = "http://<APIM_HOST>:9763/api/openbanking/uk/backend/services/bankaccounts/bankaccountservice/payable-accounts"
    sharable_account_retrieval_endpoint = "http://<APIM_HOST>:9763/api/openbanking/uk/backend/services/bankaccounts/bankaccountservice/sharable-accounts"
  11. To generate the self link in the consent JSON response, configure the URLs of the exposed APIs as follows:

    account_consent_self_link = "https://<APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/{version}/aisp/"
    payment_consent_self_link = "https://<APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/{version}/pisp/"
    cof_consent_self_link = "https://<APIM_HOST>:8243/open-banking/{version}/cbpii/"
  12. In the consent re-authentication step of the Accounts flow, during authorisation, the PSU is allowed to change the selected account. To enable this feature and update the account bound to the consent, set the following property to true:

    acc_update_by_psu_enabled = true
  13. Enable Request-URI validation that validates AccountID in the request against the AccountID in consent during account retrieval. By default, this is disabled and the configuration is set to false.

    Validate_acc_id_on_retrieval_enabled = true
  14. To enable idempotency support for the Payments Initiation API:

    • Configure the allowed time duration for the Idempotency key in hours
    • Replay and enable payment submission idempotency validation
  15. Add the given configuration to renew the access token and refresh token per each token request while revoking the existing active token for a matching combination of clientid, user, and scopes.


    The token renewal is not applicable when using the Refresh Token grant type and self-contained access tokens.

    renew_access_token_per_request = true
  16. Previously the Open Banking Standard required the re-authentication of refresh tokens issued for Account and Transaction API when the token issue date has passed 90 days. With Open Banking Standard v3.1.10, this mandate has been removed. Therefore, according to your requirement, add the following tags:


    This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking API Manager UK Toolkit Level and WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server UK Toolkit Level onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

    If you already have a setup, perform a data migration for the exiting active account refresh tokens in the IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN table in the openbank_apimgtdb database.

    response_type_handler = ""
    validity_period = 15555200
    last_authorized_date_limit = 90
  17. If you want to use the Data publishing feature:

    • Enable the feature and configure the server_url and auth_url properties with the hostname of WSO2 Streaming Integrator.
    enable = true   
    server_url = "{tcp://<SI_HOST>:7612}"   
  18. If you are using WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0,

    1. Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.
    2. Add below configuration to enable application role validation:

      enable_role_validation = true

Starting servers

If you are using JDK 17 with WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0, you need to enable adaptive authentication. Click here to see how it is done...

For JDK 17 runtime, adaptive authentication is disabled by default and it is required to enable adaptive authentication. To enable adaptive authentication:

  1. Go to <IS_HOME>/bin.
  2. Run the following command:


See Adaptive Authentication - Prerequisites for more information.

  1. Go to the <IS_HOME>/bin directory using a terminal.

  2. Run the script as follows:
